February 28th, 2020 | by CSHARK

10 European Product Design Events in 2020 You Can't Miss

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    A great way of learning new things about product design is the regular participation in the UX/UI design events. You have an opportunity to network there with UX and UI experts driven by the same passion as yours. Below you can find the list of 10 interesting European user experience events for 2020 selected by our product design team.

    After the first research, we have selected over 45 product design events that include meetups, workshops, and global conferences. However, because the list was too long, we decided to focus on events in Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Ireland, as CSHARK delivers UX and UI services in these countries. We thought that it would be a great foothold, and probably you will have an occasion to meet at these events with our product design team members. The designers’ community is very open and loves to exchange ideas. We can assure you; you won’t regret if you take part in at least one of the listed conferences.

    UX Scotland

    UX Scotland is a 3-day user experience and design conference for the software, web, and mobile community. Join this event if you are looking for inspiration or would like to learn from the industry leaders about how to make changes in the product without causing annoyance to users, or how to deliver a better user experience.

    Edinburgh, Scotland, 10-12.06.2020

    UXDX Conference

    UXDX conference focuses on how to build design products and the areas in which you should develop your skills. In this event, you can expect lectures about how to identify customer’s needs and deliver user-centered products or how the design power up business agility. Be prepared for a big portion of knowledge and presentations by representatives from the LEGO Group, Booking.com, Uber, Spotify, and few more popular brands.

    Dublin, Ireland, 8-9.10.2020

    From Business to Buttons

    The FBTB is a Stockholm user experience and service design conference. It is the place for everyone who needs inspiration and advice on how to generate business value by creating great UX product design. Attendees will learn how to be a designer with empathy in the age of a fast-changing environment filled with new technologies, tools, and internal politics. The presentations and workshops will cover issues such as business strategy, programming, data and algorithms, teamwork, and optimization of work. And finally – how to make a product that no one has done ever before.

    Stockholm, Sweden, 6-8.05.2020

    Digital Health and Care Congress

    The formula for the Digital Health and Care congress is different than the first three described above. Congress touches the subjects related to digital technology and data in the healthcare industry. The goal of the event is to talk about improvements in the way healthcare services are delivered, how to create new digital services with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and other new technologies. The congress is aimed at healthcare case studies, at a debate, discussion, and a lot of networking sessions.

    London, the United Kingdom, 20-21.05.2020

    UX London

    UX London is a 3-day conference full of presentations and hands-on workshops provided by the UX influencers. The event brings together the global UX community. The line-up includes industry leaders – you will hear the speakers from Spotify, Airbnb, Twitter, Microsoft, and many more recognizable brands. What we like about this conference is that it focuses on different topics each day:

    London, the United Kingdom, 27-29.05.2020

    DesignOps Global Conference

    The best way to describe the DesignOps Global conference is to use a few hashtags picked by the organizers: #DesignOps #ResearchOps #ContentOps #StudioOps #BusinesOps and #InnovationOps. Design leaders, researchers, software developers, product managers, and business leaders working on digital transformation can’t miss this event. Come if you would like to take part in the workshops, and you are interested in defining the way how to design and develop new products and services.

    Manchester, the United Kingdom, 28-29.05.2020

    Canvas Conference

    Canvas has evolved since the first event; this will be the 8th one. The October edition will be a one-day conference. Product designers will share with the audience inspirational and informative talks on how to design, make and deliver digital products and experiences. The conference focuses more on how something was created and managed and less on design trends. There will also be a great occasion for networking during short breaks and at the after-party.

    Birmingham, the United Kingdom, 8.10.2020


    It will be the 9th edition of the conference. The SmashingConf focuses on real-world problems, pain points, and practical solutions for them. The event is dedicated to front-end software developers and UX designers. During the presentations, you will find out about web development, UI design, and machine learning solutions. Also, there will be a lot of hands-on workshops and hackathons.

    The biggest advantage of this conference is that speakers show how they work during the live interactive sessions: you can expect to see how they are refactoring or debugging the code or redesigning the products.

    Freiburg, Germany, 7-8.09.2020

    UX Healthcare

    Can a well-designed user experience save lives? Maybe not literally, but it can be helpful for patients in a life-threatening situation. The healthcare industry suffers from a lack of well-designed products. Therefore, such an event as UX Healthcare one in Frankfurt is so important. If the healthcare systems, clinicians, healthcare insurances, or hospital equipment manufacturers are aimed at helping patients, they all need user-centered designs. And this is the subject of the conference.

    Frankfurt, Germany, 17-18.09.2020


    The last event in this ranking, the MobileHCI, has shaped research, development, and practice in mobile devices, applications, services, and interaction issues for over 20 years. And the last one – interaction – has inspired the themes of this edition.

    We are using our mobile devices more and more often than it was a few years ago. This is why software developers, product designers, and the rest of the conference attendees will have a chance to see, touch, and feel new mobile user experiences, and discuss the challenges and solutions so interaction with our devices could become more effective and pleasant.

    Oldenburg, Germany, 5-8.10.2020

    We hope this ranking is helpful for all user experience and user interface designers. If we wish to create more user-centered products, not lost our passion for design, we need to network with the designer’s community regularly. Sometimes even a short conversation with someone from the industry can solve the problem that we had for days. Presentations, case studies, workshops, live-coding, and tutorial sessions are all you need to develop your product design techniques. Have fun and #ExpectMore from your product designs.


    This article wouldn’t have been written without the engagement of our CSHARKers! It was created thanks to their expert knowledge & extensive experience. As multiple people were involved in the consultancy, creation, and verification process, we figured it’s not fair to list just one of us as an author. Let’s say it was a collective work of many great minds.